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A New Moon over Tohoku
My response to the 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident on the northeastern coastline of Tohoku, Japan was immediate and natural. I am a mother, a grandmother, and a Canadian of Japanese ancestry who deeply loves Japan.
At first, I went to Tohoku not as a filmmaker but as a volunteer to help with fundraising and do work with young people.
The more time I spent along the devastated coast provinces of Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima provinces, I met more survivors and my role in Tohoku gradually changed.
Many victims asked, sometimes even begged me to help them tell their stories in a film. I kept saying no up until I walked down an deserted main street of a contaminated Fukushima town for the first time.
The town was located inside the 20 km ‘no-go’ zone affected by the nuclear power plant explosion.
There were no sounds of people walking and talking, no children playing and laughing, no dogs barking, no cars filling the streets, no trains coming to the station. The emptiness was filled only with whispers from the wind and a few birds.
This eerie silence brought me to tears and the filmmaker inside me rose to the surface.
It was at this moment when I first turned my small SLR camera, beginning more than two years of filming with the Tohoku people for this documentary, A New Moon Over Tohoku.
In the 2.5 years in Tohoku, I interviewed over 80 people up and down the coastline from Iwate ken to Fukushima ken, doing much of the camera work alone. There were lots of challenges to face, but so many people helped along the way.
Maybe the fact that I was a foreigner, a third generation Japanese Canadian, a woman traveling alone, an artist and someone who didn’t completely understand their language helped to create a safe distance yet intimate closeness between us.
The fact that I didn’t stay for just a week or a month, but several years listening and learning, visiting and recording them help create strong friendships and bonds that allowed deeper feelings to be expressed together.
Maybe all of the above also helped me to understand some things that were left unspoken in words, but expressed in their tone of voice, their body language, their song, their food and their dance.
After our interviews, many people expressed how important it was to finally be able to speak so freely about their pains, losses, joys, fears, anger, and love. Something that is usually frowned upon in their culture.
The process of telling their story became a part of their healing.
Their voices help us recognize what it is that makes us all human. Birth, death, joy, loss, love, pain, sickness, health….all the qualities we share as people. Only when one is faced with complete loss so suddenly, it is easier to see what is vital and what is not, for one’s well-being.
Award winning Canadian cinematographer, Kirk Tougas, came to join me for one month from Canada as my cameraman. He later wrote:
“Working with Ohama in Japan I couldn’t help but marvel at the depths with which she connected with people who have experienced the harshest tragedy. Reserved, quietspoken Japanese were willing to share with her their innermost thoughts and feelings, words that they might not even voice to their closest friends, and never in public...
The samurai we filmed is real, not a movie star, and the centuries old tradition of discipline and horsemanship continues. The dancers we filmed are young, yet the dances link back through the centuries, and these young women dance for a generation claiming a right to a future. The childhood song sung by many film participants resonated in the Japanese soul, a lament seeking to regain the marvel of home.....” (Kirk Tougas, cinematographer)
Fukushima barricade stop from car int.jpg | Fukushima bamboo Ohashi plays.JPG | culture learning English and international culture with cooking class, onomichi.JPG |
fukushima at J-village soccer training center (near naraha).JPG | fukushima coastline reconstruction.JPG | fukushima J-village soccer training center tonne bags radiation.JPG |
fukushima moms procession scene group photo umbrellas, bamboo, linda.jpg | fukushima moms listening to their concerns as mothers with linda.JPG | fukushima moms procession scene in contaminated bamboo forest.JPG |
fukushima moms processions scene the red umbrella girl (poster).jpg | fukushima moms with nakao and baby.JPG | fukushima moms procession scene the umbrella girl in bamboo forest BEAUTIFUL.JPG |
fukushima naraha contaminated tonne bags stockpiled.JPG | fukushima no go zone roadblock.JPG | fukushima nogo zone blockade police.JPG |
fukushima road sign Fukushima, Soma, Marumori.jpg | fukushima temp convenience store truck kowata.JPG | minamisoma daffodils Tamura interview.JPG |
fukushima women food stand.JPG | Minamisoma Fukushima street April 2013.jpg | minamisoma kenji coffin funeral.JPG |
minamisoma lost farm tamura and friend.JPG | minamisoma mayor sakurai shakes hand with linda.jpg | minamisoma samurai at home with samurai spirits.jpg |
minamisoma radiation reader and nurse .JPG | minamisoma samurai & kowata barn interview.JPG | minamisoma samurai and linda armor.JPG |
minamisoma samurai black white photos.JPG | minamisoma samurai monma and son in house with armor.jpg | minamisoma samurai home WIDE with armor.JPG |
minamisoma samurai home with armor.JPG | minamisoma samurai monma in old photo.JPG | minamisoma samurai monma with photo and armor.JPG |
minamisoma samurai monma's armor lined up.JPG | minamisoma samurai with smile photos.JPG | minamisoma tamura looks at camera daffodils on land.JPG |
minamisoma wise man and survivor speaks linda 2.jpg | Namie barrier young Osaka policeman.jpg | nakao reporter fukushima fair.JPG |
namie barricade.jpg | namie a town in fukushima flattened.JPG | Namie gardens still bloom in the debris April 2013.jpg |
Namie Nomaoi horse survives April 2013.jpg | namie ocean near nuclear plant and kirk.JPG | Namie tsunami area- April 2013 10 days ago.jpg |
namie tsunami area street.jpg | namie tsunami area.jpg | odaka abandoned bikes at train station.JPG |
odaka barber shop mirror katos, kowatas, linda.jpg | odaka barber shop katos, kowatas, laugh together.jpg | odaka barber & wife one chair.jpg |
odaka barber, katos, kowatas, linda laugh.JPG | odaka condemned farm wifeinterview.JPG | odaka decontamination work 2016.JPG |
odaka conemned farm;two women interview.JPG | odaka decontamination work sign.JPG | odaka decontamination.jpg |
odaka evacuees cook class.JPG | odaka gathering 2016JPG.JPG | odaka goodbye kowatas.JPG |
odaka kato barber interview.JPG | odaka kato barber and son together work.JPG | odaka kato barber holds camera.JPG |
odaka kato barbers, kowatas & me.JPG | odaka kenji interview later with beard framegrab.JPG | odaka kenji interview laughing.jpg |
odaka katos kowatas barber shop laugh.JPG | odaka kenji and volunteer group plant abandoned fields lavender.JPG | odaka kenji interview.JPG |
odaka kenji waves goodbye at road.jpg | odaka kenji makes tea in tent.JPG | odaka kenji, blackstone sunflower field no go zone.JPG |
odaka kowata drives.JPG | odaka kowata san 2016.JPG | odaka kowata san with his cats.JPG |
odaka kowata good bye train station.JPG | odaka kowatas wave final goodbye.JPG | odaka Linda and kenji.JPG |
odaka main street no flowers.JPG | odaka mainstreet with flower boxes.jpg | odaka main street.jpg |
Odaka man speaks of his dreams.jpg | odaka nogozone farm kenji interview.JPG | odaka mrs kato waves from barber shop.JPG |
odaka no go zone area. daffodils disobey and still live to bloom.JPG | odaka samurai .JPG | odaka samurai EX CU.JPG |
odaka samurai monma, kowata interview barn.JPG | odaka samurai portrait dressed in armor.jpg | odaka samurai shrine 2016.JPG |
odaka samurai shrine kirk, kowata.JPG | odaka samurai shrine MED samurai.JPG | odaka samurai shrine med wide .JPG |
odaka samurai.2016JPG.JPG | odaka samurai son interview.JPG | odaka street with planters.JPG |
odaka sunflower field sign Let the flowers bloom.JPG | odaka train station abandoned after nuclear explosion.JPG | odaka, monma samura, kowata, mrs kato barber,linda.jpg |
samurai odaka 2.jpg | odaka, kato barber kowata me mirror shot.JPG | samurai and son.JPG |
samurai looks out.JPG | soma fisherman interview framegrab.jpg | soma fishermen buildings in snow.JPG |
soma fishermen coop rescue volunteer leader, linda.JPG | soma fishing port after snowstorm.JPG | soma fishermen group emergency rescue and fire team.JPG |
soma train station where bus to train part way through contaminated area.JPG | soma, fukushima snowstorm.JPG |
Iwate highway in snow.jpg | miyako jodojohama sakiko masao kirk interview.JPG | iwate highway winter mountains.JPG |
miyako sushi chef eat sushi in 25 minutes.JPG | miyako wakame fishermen no fans.JPG | otsuchi 2016 masao osaka ya temp bakery.jpg |
otsuchi burned out mountain side 2016.JPG | otsuchi candle memorial hearts.JPG | osuchi kanako husband cleans land.JPG |
otsuchi candle memorial one heart gareki.JPG | otsuchi city hall where mayor and staff were lost to their town.JPG | otsuchi cloth letters workshop.JPG |
otsuchi country road up mt where survivors escaped to.JPG | otsuchi emergy temp housing kasetsu complex.JPG | otsuchi debris town itto 7 sakiko.JPG |
otsuchi families gather for mar 11 memorial.JPG | otsuchi family candlelight memorial March 11.JPG | otsuchi filming the town overgrown weeds 2016.JPG |
otsuchi filming town left in weeds train station 2016.JPG | otsuchi grandma with matsutake.JPG | otsuchi grandpa grandma interview framegrab.JPG |
otsuchi grandma hanging wakame to dry 2016.JPG | otsuchi grandpa kasetsu door goodbye.JPG | otsuchi grandpa walnut hearts.JPG |
otsuchi itto and reconstruction 2016.JPG | otsuchi itto masao temp coffee shop 2016.JPG | otsuchi itto san with poster of book.JPG |
otsuchi grandpa will build again 2016.JPG | otsuchi kanako 2015.JPG | otsuchi kanako and husband at family shrine 2016.JPG |
otsuchi kanako clinic 2016.JPG | otsuchi kanako dad makes tes.JPG | otsuchi kanako sasaki interview framegrab.JPG |
otsuchi kanako parents say good bye.JPG | otsuchi kanako, sera, misaki together.jpg | otsuchi kasetsu overnight sleep 2016.JPG |
otsuchi lantern and moon.jpg | otsuchi lunch with kanako's mom and dad.JPG | otsuchi masao and wife 2016.JPG |
otsuchi linda boom man on debris kirk sakiko itto san interview.JPG | otsuchi masao final good bye 2016.JPG | otsuchi masao interview.JPG |
otsuchi mountaintop ancient shrine.JPG | otsuchi mr sasaki goodbye.JPG | otsuchi new years day monkey at shrine.JPG |
otsuchi new years day monkey at shrine wide straight on.JPG | otsuchi osaka ya interview framegrab.JPG | otsuchi osaka ya survivor temp bakery and new generation.JPG |
otsuchi raising level of land for reconstruction 2016.JPG | otsuchi recovery build up 2016.JPG | otsuchi reconstruction 2016 3.JPG |
otsuchi reconstruction 2016.JPG | otsuchi red umb volunteers.JPG | otsuchi sasaki gran granp kasetsu interview.JPG |
otsuchi red umbrella volunteers linda.JPG | otsuchi sachiko stones and kirk.JPG | otsuchi school buses to temp school from temp housing complexe spread in valley.JPG |
otsuchi sasaki kasetsu interview.JPG | otsuchi sera and dad at ruined house 2.jpg | otsuchi sera cloth letters.JPG |
otsuchi students write messages on board destroyed school.jpg | otsuchi temp bakery osaka interview.JPG | otsuchi temp bakery mrs osaka & child.JPG |
otsuchi survivors young and old light candles for memorial on March 11.JPG | otsuchi temp housing kasetsu compound.JPG | otsuchi temp noodle restaurant women sign.JPG |
otsuchi temp shopping centre udon shop women.JPG | otsuchi temp store.JPG | otsuchi temporary housing compound 2016.JPG |
otsuchi temporary general store for temp housing kasetsu compound.JPG | otsuchi temporary housing kasetsu 2016.JPG | otsuchi temporary housing kasetu living space 2016.JPG |
otsuchi temporary housing kitchen space 2016.JPG | otsuchi temporary housing kasetsu compound 2016.JPG | otsuchi temporary housing spce grandma 2016.JPG |
otsuchi temporary shoppingcenter 2016.JPG | otsuchi temporary school for 5 destroyed schools in one.JPG | otsuchi temporary shopping centre bakery osaka ya with film crew.JPG |
otsuchi tent restaurant with Kanako2.JPG | otsuchi town from above.JPG | otsuchi two birds one survivor one companion.JPG |
otsuchi vending machines at temp emergency housing kasetsu.JPG | otsuchi wakame fisherman interview 2.JPG | otsuchi volunteers.JPG |
otsuchi wakame fishermen looks out 2.JPG | otuschi itto san in temp cafe with photos 2016.JPG | otsuchi winter the forgotten ones.JPG |
otuschi families candlelight march 11 memorial.JPG | otuschi itto san's house near the train tracks and former station.JPG | otuschi new years day ice cream truck.JPG |
otuschi reconstruction 2 2016.JPG | outsuchi kanako's mom 2016.JPG | yamada oyster fisherman on dock looks out.JPG |
yamada oyster fishermen sits in boat interview.JPG |
arahama beach road nothing remains.JPG | arahama bags of cleanup.JPG | arahama cemetary in ruins.JPG |
arahama cemetary broken stones recovered and stacked.JPG | arahama conveience store nowhere nothing dump trucks_0069.JPG | arahama cemetary ruins.JPG |
arahama cleanup only foundations left behind.JPG | arahama debris gravestones piled, houses hanging in wind 2011.JPG | arahama debris officials on phone checkpoint 2011.JPG |
arahama flattened house foundation foreground machines work.JPG | arahama debris someone leaves flowers at home.JPG | arahama flattened debris trees few leaning.JPG |
arahama flattened town faded colors WIDE.JPG | arahama kato and daughter interview.JPG | arahama flattened overwhelms rescue volunteers in background like ants GOOD.JPG |
arahama kato gareki house waves goodbye.JPG | arahama mr kato interview.JPG | arahama motorbike visits nothing.JPG |
arahama memorial.JPG | arahama mrs kato cleans akaigai.JPG | arahama mrs. kato fish interview.JPG |
arahama one iris blooming in debris.jpg | arahama ohashi back to swan land.JPG | arahama ohashi san group swans fly pray together.JPG |
arahama oahshi field swans.JPG | arahama one iris blooms in debris 2.jpg | arahama people return to clean up their town.JPG |
arahama remains of a house, steps and bathroom.JPG | arahama one iris blooms from ground angle with debris.JPG | arahama sato fisherman and daughter at harbor speak.JPG |
arahama sato fisherman and daughter interview framegrab.jpg | arahama sato fisherman on boat holds shell catch.JPG | arahama sato fishing family by gareki shack wave good bye.jpg |
arahama sato fisherman on boat w linda.JPG | arahama sato fishing family three portrait.JPG | arahama statues in debris.JPG |
arahama survivors meet for community clean-up day 2014.JPG | arahama survivors and volunteers return for community clean-up day.JPG | arahama town and people return for clean up day.JPG |
arahama town community clean up day people return.JPG | arahama town wiped out with windswept trees.JPG | arahama tsunami through house debris.jpg |
arahama tree, steps no house, dump truck.JPG | arahama village land the removing salt water soil.JPG | arahama village people yellow ribbon, they want to come home plea.JPG |
ishinomaki piled up cars in gareki.JPG | arahamagarekihouse.JPG | marumori bamboo farm contaimination check.JPG |
marumori bamboo farm contamination testing.JPG | marumori bamboo farmer and wife pink umbrella good bye.jpg | marumori bamboo farm shoot.JPG |
marumori bamboo farmers watch govnt testing.JPG | marumori boy ume best.jpg | marumori bamboo report from officials inform affected bamboo farmers.JPG |
marumori bamboo wife pink umbrella good bye.JPG | marumori contaminated leaves.JPG | marumori ohashi granddaughter hinamatusri _peace_.JPG |
minamisinriku a volunteer and a survivor.JPG | minamisinriku fire station shell and destroyed town.JPG | minamisinriku making mochi with refugees for new years.JPG |
minamisinriku mochi making for refugees.JPG | minamisinriku manju survivors.JPG | minamisinriku mochi making for temp house refugees.JPG |
minamisinriku mochi making survivors make traditional new year mochi.JPG | minamisinriku new years survivors make traditional mochi cakes.JPG | minamisinriku mochi making survivors.JPG |
minamisinriku remains city fire station where girl remained to carry out emergency PA announcement.J | minamisinriku remains of a town and their fire station.JPG | minamisinriku temp housing mochi volunteers 2.JPG |
minamisinriku survivors play BINGO everyone wins a prize.JPG | murata kura family store.JPG | murata kura interior two women interview.JPG |
naburi debris yamato fishing family 3.jpg | naburi fisherman yamato smiles.jpg | naburi a shellfish diver looses equipment and receives donation.jpg |
naburi fisherman and son launch restored fishboat.jpg | naburi fishing family good bye.jpg | naburi fishing family lean two MED.JPG |
naburi near okawa fishboat in debris.jpg | naburi fishing family news of donation_.JPG | naburi nearby a student comes home to temp housing kasetsu complex .JPG |
naburi nearby temp housing complex kasetsu one of many in tohoku.JPG | naburi nearby temp emergency housing kasetsu.JPG | naburi old photos of how their pre-disaster fishing coop.JPG |
naburi school nearby.JPG | naburi temp emergency shelter temple gym 2011.JPG | naburi temp housing post office and social gathering spot with tanabata decorations.JPG |
naburi yamato family MED lean two.JPG | naburi yamato fisherman in temp emerg shelter meeting 2011.JPG | naburi yamato fishing leader family in lean two beach.jpg |
naburi yamato fisherman mends net on beach lean two .JPG | natori jushi.JPG | natori koji san and daughter 2016.JPG |
natori kuma kids birthday cheers.JPG | natori kuma kids make rice krispie squares.JPG | natori kumi 2016.JPG |
Natori Kumi interview framegrab.jpg | natori kumi's shopping trip basket.JPG | natori jushi's judo dream.JPG |
natori linda with kuma family.JPG | nenoshiroishi students eat popcorn linda.JPG | okawa elementary school 2016.JPG |
Nenoshiroishi students make popcorn linda.JPG | okawa elementary school shrine.JPG | okawa statue copy.jpg |
onagawa bus on top of building.JPG | onagawa bus on top of building rubble.JPG | onagawa drive past debris.JPG |
onagawa driving into town debris.JPG | onagawa fisheries manager kato,linda office shrine.jpg | onagawa driving to past ogatsu.JPG |
onagawa fisheries kato and blue boxes donation.JPG | onagawa Jeitai army.JPG | onagawa nearby lost town 2011.JPG |
onagawa rayko san 2016.JPG | onagawa lone man stands in debris looks at house.JPG | onagawa linda my pup tent.JPG |
onagawa tent kitchen brother sister.jpg | onagawa tent refugee center rayko and linda.jpg | onagawa rubble town center dump trucks.JPG |
onagawa tent refugee center, linda and pup tent.JPG | onagawa tent refugee center july 2011.JPG | onagawa tent refugee center.JPG |
onagawa tent refugees, jeitai, linda .JPG | onagawa town buildings wrecked.JPG | onagawa town center destroyed buildings road.JPG |
onagawa town flattened monks pray.JPG | onagawa town nearby ogatsu.JPG | onagawa town ruins everywhere flattened.JPG |
onagawa town street ruined.JPG | Onagawa town wiped out WIDE shows hillside and hospital.JPG | onagawa travel through tohoku coastline.JPG |
road sign ishinomaki, kesenuma.JPG | sendai after snow mom and child walk.JPG | sendai burning the old at new years.JPG |
sendai continues the new year traditions.JPG | sendai daruma group and hands circle.JPG | sendai daruma hands circle.JPG |
sendai daruma project darumas handmade.JPG | sendai daruma project volunteers linda farewell.jpg | sendai emergency practise 2.JPG |
sendai emergency practise earthquake simulator for people to try.JPG | sendai emergency practise for earthquakes.JPG | sendai emergency practise lineup for earthquake simulator.JPG |
sendai emergency practise.JPG | sendai kasetsu women linda plant flowers.JPG | sendai local emergency practise day in one area.JPG |
sendai Nambu san volunteer.JPG | sendai new years praying at shrine through snow.JPG | sendai nenoshiroishi students presentation for me.JPG |
sendai ohashi interview plays invisible shakuhachi framegrab.jpg | sendai sakiko interview framegrab.jpg | sendai sakiko at table.JPG |
sendai roadsign to matsushima.JPG | sendai supporters.JPG | sendai school choir sing furusato recording .jpg |
sendai takanashi portrait.JPG | sendai temporary housing kasetsu women.JPG | sendai tohoku volunteers welcome linda.JPG |
sendai train station with name.JPG | sendai volunteers 2014.JPG | sendai temporary refugee housing .JPG |
sendai xmas tree donated lights.JPG | watari bringing in a catch of salmon.JPG | watari checking damage contaminated river mori fisherman, 2 boys, linda.JPG |
watari chef food safety checked forms.JPG | watari chef serves only certified safe food.JPG | watari chef wife kimono sings.JPG |
watari finding pieces of net.JPG | watari damaged fishboat remains.JPG | watari fish port catch on dock salmon catch.JPG |
watari fishdock ohashi reflecting head down.JPG | watari fisherman mori on knees with broken nets, broken heart mountain debris.JPG | watari fisherman mori and nephew with nets.JPG |
watari fisherman, linda, kuma kids check river.JPG | watari fishermen mori brothers look at their crumbled homes.jpg | watari fishermen with broken nets and mountain gareki.jpg |
watari fishing families despair broken nets and mountain of debris.JPG | watari fishing family boat.JPG | watari kastsu mochi make volunteers.JPG |
watari mori brothers fishermen walk at home crumbled.JPG | watari mori brothers on fishboat with linda.JPG | watari mori fisherman on knees eyes closed on broken nets.JPG |
watari mori young fisherman interview framegrab.jpg | watari mountain of debris and nets.JPG | watari piles of debris and lost houses foundations.JPG |
watari river construction.JPG | watari saito and dog .JPG | watari ushinoya chef certificate food safety for customers.JPG |
watari young mori fisherman, linda on boat.jpg | watari young mori fisherman on boat in harbor.JPG | yuriage flowers left nowhere all gone.jpg |
yuriage gone 2 statues for flowers prayers.JPG | yuriage jrhi school march 11 memorial candles.JPG | yuriage morotbike leftnew moon.jpg |
yuriage two statues flowers little prince.JPG |
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