5 - International University of Kagoshima
7~9 - Utsunomiya Uni versity ICS Seminar, Utsunomiya
24 - ICU (International Christian University), Tokyo Mitaka
9/10 - Niigata College of Art and Design, Niigata
19 - Kaisei Academy high school, Tokyo
23 - Aoyama University, Tokyo
20/22 - Kanda University, Chiba
Zentsuji Gakuin University, Shikoku
Kochi University, Kochi, Shikoku
2009-2017 lectures and presentations include:
Aichi Shukutoku University, Graduate Studies, Global Culture Communication and Institute for Gender & Women’s Studies, Nagoya
Aoyama University, English Studies, Tokyo
Chukyou University, English Literature, Nagoya
Doshisha University, Kyoto, English Department
Emily Carr University, Film Studies, Vancouver
Gifu Shukutoku Gakuen University, Faculty of Languages
ICU (International Christian University), Tokyo
International University of Kagoshima, Kagoshima
Japanese Association for Canadian Studies (JACS) 40th Annual Conference, Tokyo,
Kaisei Boys' High School, Tokyo
Kanda University, Chiba, Canadian Studies
Kobe University, Dept of Media Studies and Literature
Kochi University, Shikoku
Kyoto University, Graduate School of Law
Meiji Gakuin University, Japan Women's University
Nagoya University, Graduate Studies
Nagoyashi Joseikaikann (Nayoga City Womens Learning Center)
Nagoya Medical University, Nagoya
Onomichi University, Design and Film studies, Onomichi
Shinshu Daigaku (Shindai), Matsumoto, Arts and Humanities
Tohoku University, Sendai
University of BC, Vancouver, B.C. National JSAC Conference
University of Victoria, B.C., Canada
Utsunomiya University, Faculty of International Studies
"Writing and working on new ideas in Japan gives me the opportunity to spend time with many interesting university students, educators, young people and business and community leaders.
It has become a tradition on every trip to try and share a bit of Canadian life and stories with young Japanese students, through university lectures and free community classes. It’s a small way of thanking the many people by sharing what I know in return for all the kindness, support, and generosity I receive in Japan.
One year, I spent Tuesday and Thursday afternoons getting to know thirty‐ four cute 5 and 6 year old girls and boys at a kindergarten.
My weeks with Onomichi Yochien's English classes were so much fun!...Cooking pancakes from scratch together and eating them smothered in Canadian maple syrup. Painting faces and enjoying a Halloween party with games and pumpkin treats. And seeing them decorate gingerbread houses and gingerbread men cookies with LOTS of sticky icing and candies while singing, "We wish you a Merry Christmas".
In all the fun, you could see the children's comfort level and confidence speaking English improve by the minute!...And they loved teaching me some Japanese, too.
The university level lectures and seminars give me the opportunity to share my knowledge and experience as a film director and artist to inspire students to think creatively and act globally.
University presentations include:
Nikkei experiences and Japanese Canadian history
Experiences and impressions of Japan from a Canadian film director POV
film studies
creative writing and storytelling
"A number of students in both junior and senior seminar, to whom Linda Ohama spoke
before her presentation to English Graduate Studies at Doshisha University, wrote their major essays on the subjects of Steveston, Obachaan's Garden, sansei JapaneseCanadians, and Linda Ohama's life.
What these essays had in common was the students' admission that, prior to Linda Ohama's visit, they had known very little, if anything, about the experiences of JapaneseCanadians... Linda's visit was clearly a big hit with the students, opening their minds to all sorts of things about which they had been unaware."
- Professor Daniel Bratton, Doshisha University, 02/18/10
"Hearing Linda speak was a truly moving experience. Her intensely personal and intimate tale...led me to think deeply of issues of identity and belonging both on a personal level and in the light of the ever increasing interconnections we face in the world today."
- Brendan Van Stolk, Utsunomiya University Student, 2010